Catholic Character

Social Justice
At Blessed Trinity students have the opportunity to live out their Catholic faith through involvement in social justice projects and awareness campaigns which affect the local and global community. Before Thanksgiving and Easter, Blessed Trinity holds a food drive to help local agencies to provide for the needy in the community. Each Fall Blessed Trinity organizes a Pilgrimage walk to support the community of Las Pajas in the Dominican Republic and holds other smaller fund raiser for Las Pajas throughout the year. At Christmas time the staff and students of Blessed Trinity collect food items and gifts for Christmas hampers. These hampers are then given to needy families in the community through local agencies.
Social Justice
At Blessed Trinity students have the opportunity to live out their Catholic faith through involvement in social justice projects, and awareness campaigns. Rooted in Catholic Social Teaching as well as the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, these actions support local, national and international initiatives. These include our annual Pilgrimage, Advent and Lenten Food Drives,Truth and Reconciliation Week Activities and celebrating Black History Month to name a few. The Blessed Trinity Social Justice League (SJL) is central in coordinating these activities. Made up of both students and staff, the SJL provides opportunity for all students to become collaborative contributors by respecting and affirming the diversity and interdependence of the world's peoples and cultures. The SJL is an open space for students to speak about Equity, Inclusivity and Human Rights, and to propose ways to make change through education and action.
Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic Social Teaching is a rich treasure of wisdom helping us to think about how our faith engages the world.
10 Principles of Catholic Social Teaching:
- Dignity of the Human Person
- Preferential Option for the Poor
- Peace
- Common Good
- Solidarity
- Economic Justice
- Ecological Responsibility
- Participation
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Subsidiarity and the Role of Government
Works of Mercy
The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy are actions we can perform that extend God’s compassion and mercy to those in need.
7 Corporal Works of Mercy
The Corporal Works of Mercy are these kind acts by which we help our neighbors with their material and physical needs.
- feed the hungry
- give drink to the thirsty
- clothe the naked
- shelter the homeless
- visit the sick
- visit the imprisoned
- bury the dead
7 Spiritual Works of Mercy
The Spiritual Works of Mercy are acts of compassion, as listed below, by which we help our neighbors with their emotional and spiritual needs.
- counsel the doubtful
- instruct the ignorant
- admonish sinners
- comfort the afflicted
- forgive offenses
- bear wrongs patiently
- pray for the living and the dead