Catholic Character

The role of the Chaplaincy Leader is to provide for the spiritual, moral, ethical, and pastoral care of the school community and to promote Catholic values within the school.
Chaplaincy provides the following services: Masses, prayer services, prayers, retreats, pastoral counselling, social justice initiatives, classroom visits, resources on spiritual, ethical, and pastoral issues, and staff faith formation. Students and staff are always welcome to drop the chaplain’s office anytime. The Chaplaincy Leader consults regularly with the Principal and attends a variety of meetings to support the staff and students. As well the Chaplaincy Leader provides expertise in academic subjects on issues of spiritual, moral, and/or ethical significance where a Roman Catholic perspective is needed.
At Blessed Trinity our Chaplaincy Leader is Mrs. Stephanie Jarrett.
Masses and Prayer Services
Each day prayers and particular prayer intentions of the school community are said at the beginning and closing of the school day. Staff and students have the opportunity to participate in school Masses and prayer services offered throughout the school year. Mass is celebrated in our school chapel every Wednesday at 7:30 pm for students and staff from October to May.
Sacremant of Reconciliation
Sacrament of Reconciliation Opportunity is provided for students and staff to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Advent and Lent. Classes gather in the chapel for a prayer service and examination of conscience in preparation for celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Each grade nine and grade twelve student participates in a retreat. The retreats are held in early September and October.
Each first period grade nine class participates in a full day retreat held at Balls Falls Conservation Area. The retreat includes: chapel orientation, attendance at Mass, activities focused on getting to know one another, and various presentations lead by students in grades 10 through 12.
The grade 12 retreat is a multi-day retreat held off site for all graduating students. Our grads have travelled to Camp Olympia in Huntsville, ON. A variety of leadership and team building activities take place in addtion to two faith activities. This traditionally takes place in October of their graduation year.